About us
We are happy to advise you on how we can help to level the playing field for Jamaican producers.
The Anti-dumping and Subsidies Commission (Commission or ADSC) is an agency of the Ministry of Industry Investment and Commerce with responsibility for the administration of the trade remedies regime in Jamaica. The core mandate of the Commission is to defend productive and manufacturing activity in Jamaica under the rules of international trade agreements to which Jamaica is a signatory as a Member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other trading arrangements.
The Commission pursues its responsibilities through a multidisciplinary five-member Board of Commissioners appointed by the Minister for up to three (3) renewable terms. The Commissioners are supported by a small diligent cadre of specialists in law, economics, WTO trade rules, finance and related disciplines.
What We Do

The Anti-dumping and Subsidies Commission administers trade remedies where imported goods are dumped, subsidized or imported in increased volumes to cause or threaten to cause injury to a domestic producer of the same or similar goods. ADSC investigates cases of dumping, subsidisation and a surge of imported goods when they cause or threaten to cause harm to the local manufacturer of similar goods in Jamaica. In appropriate circumstances the Commission determines remedies in the form of antidumping, countervailing and safeguard duties.
The Commission takes a lead role in educating the business community and the public, on how to use trade remedies. It also facilitates the development of legislation, international trade policy and negotiating positions in the formulation of trade agreements with our trading partners. ADSC provides technical advice to and consults with other GOJ Ministries, Departments and Agencies and Private sector organisations on matters of international trade. The Commission also engages with CARICOM to help to foster the development of trade remedies expertise and practice in the region.
Our Mission

Excellence, the Standard
Our Mission is to identify and apply remedies to dumped, subsidized or increased imports that injure producers of like goods in Jamaica; promote awareness of trade remedy laws; and assist in policy formulation and implementation, while being:
- Client-focused, resulting in a large percentage of Jamaican producers and stakeholders who are trained and able to use trade remedies to help Jamaican industries thrive;
- A high-performance, specialist organisation with expert and motivated staff; and
- A provider of high-impact services to stakeholders, primarily producers and importers; including all players in Jamaica’s international trade environment.
Our Vision
A Centre of Excellence in International Trade Remedies; acclaimed worldwide as a vanguard Investigating Authority.
the key to success
Core Values
The Agency is achieving our mission through living by our Core Values of Global Expertise, Regional Leadership, Excellence, Accountability and Transparency, all accomplished through Teamwork.
In trade remedies knowledge and application for the benefit of our nation,
Among our peers in the Caribbean and Latin America
In the quality of the service we deliver to our stakeholders.
By ensuring we comply with the laws and regulations that guide our operations and the fulfilment of our mandate
We strive to communicate clearly and in a responsive manner
African Proverb: If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.

Global Context
The Global Context of Trade Remedy Practice
Jamaica is a Member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The countries who are members of the WTO make the multilateral rules on Trade Remedies by negotiation and agreement. The Rules that govern the practice of Trade Remedy disciplines by and between Members are contained in the following WTO Agreements:
Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (the Antidumping Agreement)
Subsidies & Countervailing Measures
Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
Agreement on Safeguards