
On receipt of a written application by or on behalf of the domestic industry, the Commission will review the document to ensure that it is properly filed and properly documented.

The Commission will then have 45 days from receipt of the properly filed and properly documented complaint to determine whether to initiate an investigation.

If the application is incomplete or there are deficiencies, we will advise you on how to address them.

Where an industry’s application is found to be sufficient and properly documented with the relevant information, an investigation can be initiated.

An investigation typically takes 305 days from receipt of a completed application to final determination.

An investigation into dumped or subsidized imports normally takes 225 days from receipt of a completed application to final determination.

A Safeguard investigation normally takes 180 days to be completed.

The investigative process in Jamaica is subject to judicial review by the Supreme Court, as well as the WTO Dispute Settlement.

Detailed guidelines on the investigative process are provided in our Handbook.