Application for Anti-dumping, Countervailing and/or Safeguard Duties
The application process for both Anti-dumping, Countervailing, and Safeguard measures are essentially the same.
A written application or complaint may be made by or on behalf of the domestic industry. The application must contain supporting documentation and evidence.
The Commission has provided the Application Kit and supporting documents to provide guidelines for the filing of a Complaint and includes these documents

Application for Anti-dumping, Countervailing and/or Safeguard Duties

Applicants must submit Confidential and Non-confidential
versions of the Complaint. There must be:
- ten (10) copies of the Confidential Version (the original plus nine), and
- two (2) copies of the Non-Confidential / Public Version (the original plus one).
- The confidential submission should also be submitted in an electronic format on CD Rom, or thumb drive in Microsoft Word. All versions must be complete.
Submissions must contain:
- A Certificate of Veracity and Accuracy
- A Notice of Appearance if the applicant will be represented by someone other than one of its employees or officers
Application for Anti-dumping, Countervailing and/or Safeguard Duties
On receipt of the complaint, the Commission will review the submission to determine if it complies with the filing requirements and also if the complaint is properly documented. If additional information is needed the Applicant will be informed and provided with a deficiency letter so that they can submit the additional information.
The Commission will within 45 days of receipt of a properly documented complaint decide whether or not to launch an investigation.
- Application Kit - Application Kit - An Application to Initiate an Antidumping/Countervailing/Safeguards Investigation
- Handbook on How to Prepare Confidential and Non Confidential Submissions
- Trade Remedies Guide
- Supplement Application Kit for Presenting and Recording Injury Data
- Dumping and Subsidies Basic Facts and Investigation Process Brochure
- Dumping and Subsidies Basic Facts and Investigation Process Brochure